

Don't Get Hosed by Password Spray Attacks

Don’t Get Hosed by Password Spray Attacks

What’s a Password Spray Attack? A password spray doesn’t look like a traditional attempt to brute force an individual’s password. Instead, attackers go wide, attempting a login for as many users as possible using an (unfortunately) very common password like “P@$$w0rd” or “123456.”   It neatly circumvents most detection techniques—after all, from the

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Enabled vs Enforced MFA

MFA Enabled vs Enforced – What’s the Difference?

Last Updated On: Understanding Office 365 Multi-Factor Authentication Enabled vs. Enforced One of the top ways Microsoft recommends to secure your Active Directory and Office 365 is by setting up multi-factor authentication (MFA). Passwords remain the most popular form of verifying a user’s identity but are highly vulnerable to cyberattacks,

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Attack Simulator for Office 365 Lets You Play the Hacker

Attack Simulator for Office 365 Lets You Play the Hacker

Tackling Security from Another Angle If you’ve ever wanted to throw digital darts at your end users in the name of good security, the time is now. Now in public preview, the Attack Simulator for Office 365 Threat Intelligence is designed to be a more direct tool for threat prevention.  As the name implies, the

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Avoid These Surprising Adoption Challenges of Office 365

Avoid These Surprising Adoption Challenges of Office 365

Embrace Change Moving to Office 365 can be a big task, but it’s often more complex than administrators initially believe. As recently discussed on this very blog, even the most careful IT team can run into unexpected adoption challenges of Office 365.  Reda Chouffani’s recent must-read article on this topic discusses in-depth some of these challenges. Take PowerShell, for

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Considering Hybrid? Start Here

Considering Hybrid? Start Here

How to Hybrid In some far-off future, we might all live in the cloud. But keeping one foot on the ground—so to speak—is going to be the most practical and possible solution for most enterprises for some time to come. This hybrid concept is nothing new, but adoption continues to grow enormously everywhere.  In an authoritative article for Petri, Michael

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Microsoft Office 365 Secure Score Explained in 4 Minutes

[row][column size=”2/5″] Included with FREE Analytics & Visibility Subscription [button url=”/free-microsoft-hybrid-reporting/” background=”#ff0000″ color=”#ffffff” size=”7″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: cloud-download”]Click Here for Free Subscription[/button][/column] [column size=”3/5″] [youtube_advanced url=”” width=”800″ height=”600″ showinfo=”no” loop=”no” rel=”no” theme=”light” https=”yes” wmode=”transparent”] [/column] [/row] Microsoft Office 365’s Secure Score tool analyzes your Office 365 security profile, generating a cumulative score reflecting

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Faster, Easier Sign-in for Office 365 Apps

More Limber Logins Microsoft recently updated some aids for a faster, easier sign-in for Office 365 and more. That may seem like a small change—but considering how much time is spent around here signing in and out of Office 365, Azure, and connected apps, we’re welcoming the upgrade. To start, rather than navigating all the way

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Surprise Retirement of Azure AD Command File Download

Unannounced & Incomplete Not even half a year after Microsoft Ignite, the company’s cheerful promises to keep its clients better informed of upcoming changes have hit yet another snag. The surreptitious retirement of Microsoft Azure AD Commands downloadable as a file didn’t just occur without fanfare—it came without, well, much of any announcement at all. Microsoft

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Microsoft Teams Gets a Big Update

The Biggest Appdate Yet Microsoft’s collaboration tool Teams got a whole lot of new functionality this week. It’s the biggest release for the program since its launch last March. The focus this time is clearly on apps, efficiency, and centralization. Apps integrated with Teams are now more easily managed with a personal apps space and adding

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Microsoft Begins Email Address Internationalization

Microsoft Begins Email Address Internationalization

Global Economy, Global Addresses  Expected within the next few months, Microsoft will take the first steps of enabling Email Address Internationalization (EAI) support in Office 365. EAI is a broad category encapsulating any non-English typography; from diacritical marks to complete scripts, any written language may eventually be usable in Microsoft email addresses and thus Active Directories.

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January brings improved SharePoint to Office 365

January Brings Improved SharePoint to Office 365

Migrate & Administrate Efficiently Using SharePoint gets a lot easier for Microsoft hybrid enterprises this month.  Easing the way to the cloud, the SharePoint Migration Tool has been released to general availability, promising to migrate even large-scale SharePoint document libraries with a simple wizard-like tool. On top of that, dramatic improvements have been made to the SharePoint Migration Assessment Tool, which hones

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Cross-Platform PowerShell Core 6.0 Released

A More Powerful Shell As of January 10, PowerShell Core 6.0 is now available for general use in production environments. Not only is this version cross-platform, available for Windows, Linux, macOS, and a variety of less common OSes, but is also not even tied to Windows in particular, having been developed on the open source .NET Core platform.

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Building Office 365 Client Access Policies

Tuning Tenant Security and Compliance A major feature of Office 365 lies in how it allows users to access it from practically any device with an internet connection. Compliance with governmental or internal regulations, however, can oftentimes require stricter security policies than what default Office 365 supplies. With attention and a Client Access Policy, you can customize who can access which Office 365 services, from where

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A Better Buggy Beta – PowerShell Module for Teams

Scripting for Success Microsoft’s PowerShell scripting module for Teams updated to version 0.9.1 last December, but as Tony Redmond points out in a recent article, it’s still infested with both bugs and design flaws. That doesn’t stop him, however, from jumping into a variety of useful cmdlets for the module,

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Microsoft Expands Azure Hybrid Enterprise Capability

Hybrid Enterprise Momentum Not even a year after Google invested millions in hybrid storage vendor Avere Systems, Microsoft swooped in last week to snatch the company for itself.   Avere specializes in high-performance computing and storage, often a priority for large enterprises in a hybrid environment. With this purchase, Microsoft will

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