Enable Office 365 Litigation Hold for Sustained Compliance

Active Directory Hybrid Tools

What is Litigation Hold and How do I Enable Office 365 Litigation Hold?

Many organizations for Legal or Compliance reasons must preserve electronic records for a specific period of time; this almost always include e-mail. Both Microsoft Exchange and Office 365 offer a feature that retains e-mail so that those messages can be examined later if needed. The feature is disabled by default for newly created accounts which means the administrator must enable this feature on a case-by-case basis.

Organizations with more than a handful of users will want to automatically enable litigation hold for two reasons. First, so that the administrator isn’t forced to perform hundreds or thousands of manual operations. Second, manual operations are prone to errors and this means that administrators may miss-configure these important settings or entirely forget to enable litigation hold for some users.

Enable Office 365 Litigation Hold

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Litigation Hold Demo

In late June 2014, Cayosoft Admin Assistant for Office 365 and Cayosoft Admin Assistant for Microsoft Exchange will provide easy to configure rules that will automatically enable Office 365 Litigation Hold for the specified users according to the required settings. The administrator will simply need to create a Litigation Hold Policy, configure it one time and from that point forward Litigation hold settings will be enforced across the administrator’s organization.

For more information about Cayosoft Admin Assistant visit the Admin Assistant product page here.

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