How to disable a single Office 365 license option for all users without complex scripts or workflows

This post will cover how to Disable a single Office 365 license option for all users quickly and easily. As Microsoft updates tenant licensing they sometimes enable license options by default. This may not fit with an enterprise roll-out strategy and so you may want to remove that single option. While there are a number of scripts around the internet to do this, none seem to offer recovery of meta data or conflict resolution.

Cayosoft Administrator has the ability to disable a single Office 365 license option for all users without complex scripts or workflows. Additionally, Administrator can optionally preserves meta data and provides license option conflict resolution should it be needed.


Disable a single Office 365 license option using Cayosoft Administrator

  1. Download and install Cayosoft Administrator
  2. In the Cayosoft Console, click New Rule on the toolbar
  3. Click Microsoft Hybrid & License Management then click Next
  4. Click Licenses then click Next
  5. Click Office 365 Users | Remove selected options then click Next
  6. Click Create and Save Report then click Next
  7. In the Query section adjust the filtering so that only the desired users will have license options removed
    TIP: Click Preview to verify you have selected the correct users – for large environments this may take several minutes
  8. In the Action section, check the options to be removed
    (here we show Office 365 Planner being removed)
    Disable a single Office 365 license option for all users
  9. Click Save to save the rule.
  10. To limit the impact of the rule should you mis-configure something, enter a number in the Stop rule if errors exceed field, example:    5
  11. Run the rule. (Note the small lightbulb at the top right corner of the console will turn green while the rule is updating licenses.
  12. After the rule has executed, refresh Execution History at the bottom right to see a count of the results. (There will also be a Report in the reports folder in the navigation tree)

In addition to the ability to disable a single Office 365 license option for all users, Cayosoft Administrator is the best way to manage the Modern Hybrid Active Directory Enterprise. For more information visit the Cayosoft Administrator product page here.

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