How to bulk create Office 365 E-mail Signature Blocks

The simple and affordable way to standardize e-mail signatures

The video shown in this post will explain how to bulk create Office 365 e-mail signature blocks for your office 365 users automatically. If you really want to know why Signature Blocks are useful, read the entire post. If you understand signature blocks you can jump right to the video. Most companies define a standard signature block and then ask employee’s to add a similar signature block to the bottom of out-going email messages. The signature block typically includes employee name and contact details, company information and logo and often ends a privacy/disclosure statement. (Some SOX and HIPPA auditors demand such a message be used.) Unfortunately, asking employees to create and add the signature to their own mailboxes is never as easy as it sounds. Many employees will try and then fail to create the signature block or fail to follow the standard and some employees will simply ignore the request.

Maximize Employee Adoption

The best way to maximum adoption of a standard e-mail signature block is to set the standard signature block automatically in bulk. Bulk creation of e-mail signatures ensures that the standard is followed and that 100% adoption is achieved.  Overtime signature block may need to be updated or added to new accounts during provisioning. Admin Assistant for Office 365 simplifies this by automatically creating and applying a standard signature block accross Office 365 mailboxes without resorting to unreliable or complicated scripting.

Video: How to bulk create  Office 365 E-mail Signature Blocks

[video_lightbox_youtube video_id=”jTX2kSneaYc&rel=0″ width=”800″ height=”600″ allowfullscreen=”” auto_thumb=”1″]

  Admin Assistant is the simple and affordable way to streamline your Office 365 administration. For more informatoin on Admin Assistant for Office 365 visit the product home page here.

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