

SysAdmin Appreciation Day

Thank Your SysAdmins – It’s System Administrator Appreciation Day!

Happy System Administrator Appreciation Day! System Administrator Appreciation Day, also known as SysAdmin Day, is an event created by System Administrator, Ted Kekatos. It all started when Kekatos saw a magazine advertisement in which a System Administrator was presented with flowers and fruit-baskets by grateful co-workers as thanks for installing

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Windows PrintNightmare Vulnerability

3rd Windows Print Spooler Critical Vulnerability Detected

Windows PrintNightmare Vulnerabilities & Exploits Continue At the end of June and earlier this month, Microsoft released a security update regarding a Windows Print Spooler critical vulnerability, now being called PrintNightmare. Their original guidance, CVE-2021-1675, was quickly met with backlash as patches released by Microsoft were reported to not fix

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Microsoft discovers new SolarWinds Vulnerability

Microsoft Discovers New SolarWinds Flaw Under Attack

Microsoft Uncovers Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability & Zero-Day Exploit of SolarWinds Serv-U Product Microsoft recently alerted software company, SolarWinds, of a new vulnerability uncovered, providing proof of concept to the company last week. It was found in SolarWinds Serv-U product, in two IT management utilities used to manage remote

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Latest Ransomware attack targets Kaseya

Thousands, Possibly Millions, of Businesses Affected by Latest Ransomware Attack

Kaseya Platform Targeted in Large-Scale Global Ransomware Attack Over the holiday weekend, notorious cybercrime group, REvil, successfully launched a ransomware attack targeting Managed Service Providers (MSPs). This unprecedented hack triggered an infection chain compromising a massive, global supply chain, with reports showing at least 1,000 businesses over 17 countries being

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AdminSDHolder modification permissions attack

Defending Active Directory Against AdminSDHolder Attacks

Active Directory Permissions Attack: Hackers Gain Persistence with AdminSDHolder Active Directory (AD) tends to be a common target for hackers, as it controls the security and infrastructure for most IT systems. Attackers aim to get privileged access to a Windows Server Active Directory and remain undetected for as long as

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Announcing Cayosoft Guardian v2.2 | See What’s New!

Cayosoft is excited to announce its newest version of Guardian! Cayosoft Guardian recovers and protects Azure Active Directory and hybrid Active Directory data. With Guardian monitoring all directory changes, administrators can quickly see, understand and rollback mistakes or malicious  changes across their entire hybrid Active Directory environment. In our newest

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Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Vulnerability Discovered

Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is one of the most popular solutions used to access critical infrastructure servers for many organizations, including those who run virtual servers on Microsoft Azure. A group of hackers, called the Secret Club, inadvertently found a major flaw in Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) technology.

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3 Steps to Help Configure Emergency Calling in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a powerful tool for collaboration but managing its features can be challenging and time-consuming. Telephony and calling plans for Microsoft Teams requires certain steps to be completed in order to maximize all its features. This blog outlines how to add emergency addresses, associate phone numbers to these

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Is it Time for your Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Renewal?

Resources to Optimize Microsoft 365 (Formerly Office 365) License Management and Reduce Costs For organizations with 500 or more users or devices, that want a more manageable volume licensing program, the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) provides the ability to buy cloud services and software licenses under one agreement. These enterprise agreements are

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New Study Reveals Top Concerns for Microsoft Platform Management

Managing Microsoft environments can be complex and time-consuming, but they provide critical services to maintain business continuity and allow access to employees to keep them productive. Whether on-premises Active Directory, hybrid, or Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365), IT executives must balance efficiency while maintaining Active Directory security, such as managing

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NSA Discovers New Critical Exchange Server Vulnerabilities

Microsoft released three new patches for its Exchange Server software on Tuesday after the National Security Agency (NSA) alerted the company to a fresh batch of critical vulnerabilities. All discovered flaws, four in total, lead to remote code execution on a vulnerable machine. “We urge all owners and operators of

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