Windows 7 Support & Windows 8 Server Support end on January 14, 2020 | How to Prepare

The end of Windows 7 support is upon us and here’s what you need to know. On January 14, 2020, Microsoft will no longer update or provide support for Windows 7.

To clarify, when Windows 7 reaches end of support, your computer will still function but Microsoft will no longer provide the following:

  • Technical support for any issues
  • Software updates
  • Security updates or fixes

Keep in mind: Without continued software and security updates, your computer will be at greater risk for viruses and malware.

The decade-old operating system, which launched in July 22, 2009, may have been incredibly popular but considering Windows 10’s success, it only makes sense for Microsoft to dedicate all their time and effort to improving the new OS. Microsoft is deliberate in making sure users know that support for the operating system is ending, and wants to encourage people to move from the operating system—Check out more here on what to do next and to answer questions about end of support.

Also happening: On January 14, 2020, support for Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 will end.

What to do: Migrate your Windows Server and SQL Server applications to Azure to accelerate innovation with improved cost savings and security. Download the migration guide and other information on this here.

Check out these relevant resources.