Modernize AD Management: How Security & Efficiency Intertwine

Over 90% of organizations use Active Directory (AD), whether it be on-premises AD, hybrid AD, Azure AD, or Office 365, to centralize their identities and access to resources, but delegating tasks securely, enforcing business policies, and building automation is a major challenge for most. On top of that, threat actors often target AD for attack.

Join us as we explore modern approaches that return both administrative and security benefits. Learn how AD management methods, like automation, provisioning, group management, and role-based access controls, have both efficiency benefits and critical security implications. Topics include:

  • Why IT efficiency & security go hand in hand
  • The difference between legacy & modern hybrid administration solutions
  • Best practices to secure & efficiently manage your Active Directory & Azure AD
  • The importance of change monitoring to security & compliance
  • Ways to drive operational efficiencies & reduce error-prone processes
  • How to automate away complexity & security misconfigurations

Featured Speaker

Robert Bobel

Founder & CEO, Hybrid AD SME