Avoiding Active Directory Forest Recovery Failures | When Ransomware Strikes, Failure is Not an Option

In recent years, we’ve seen the crippling effects a hybrid Active Directory (AD) outage can have on a business and with ransomware running rampant, the threat of attack is greater than ever. Unfortunately, native methods and existing third-party tools require complicated setup and ongoing maintenance fraught with errors. This can lead to recovery failures, which further exacerbate the crisis. So, when a ransomware disaster strikes and your entire AD forest is down, how confident will you be that your AD recovery will work? And what will you do if it fails?

Watch this webinar to learn why AD recovery requires a modern approach and see how Cayosoft’s breakthrough Instant Forest Recovery eliminates the complexity of traditional tools and ensures your identities are recovered after cyberattacks. In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How to prepare for your first ransomware attack
  • How native & third-party recovery tools can fail during AD forest recovery (& why you can’t afford them to fail)
  • Why hybrid recovery is essential for organizational identity resilience
  • How to virtually guarantee your hybrid AD recovery with Instant Forest Recovery
    Instant Forest Recovery Demonstration – see for yourself why this patent-pending technology is a gamechanger!
  • Best practices to prevent re-infection once your AD is restored
  • And discover Cayosoft’s new, all-in-one solution for recovery of all your directories, including immediate forest recovery

Featured Presenters

Bob Bobel

CEO & Founder

Chad Nichols​

Systems Engineer