Racing to Microsoft Office 365? Leverage the Power of Automation

Many organizations are rushing to the cloud and exploring new ways to manage remote employees. Office 365 automation tools have always been important for the purposes of productivity and efficiency, and they can be vital if you’re moving to the cloud faster than you’d originally planned. Here’s how Active Directory and Office 365 automation can […]

Are You Still Manually Provisioning New Users in Hybrid Active Directory/Office 365?

Are You Still Manually Provisioning New Users in Hybrid Active Directory/Office 365?   Microsoft estimates that 70% of organizations will run a hybrid environment of AD/Office 365 for at least some period of time.   Many of these hybrid organizations will move to hybrid mode with the thought that they will manually provision new users.  In Hybrid environments, this strategy deserves a second look because on-boarding accounts is […]

New Survey Finds...

Active Directory forest recovery not taken serious enough. See what else your peers had to say.