Hybrid AD/Office 365 User Provisioning: Secure and Simplify Hybrid AD and Office 365

Manually managing the user lifecycle across hybrid Active Directory (AD), Azure AD, or Office 365 is complex, error prone, and insecure. Furthermore, improper user provisioning and deprovisioning processes can leave organizations vulnerable to cyberattacks and can be detrimental to compliance and IT efficiency goals. Strong, efficient controls must be implemented in order to keep business-critical systems operational.

Learn how to overcome the challenges of hybrid user account management and efficiently secure your vital Microsoft platforms. In this webinar, we discuss:

  • The challenges of onboarding users in hybrid AD & Office 365 environments
  • Automating user provisioning & assignment of resources, such as Microsoft licenses, group memberships, & other necessary access
  • Streamlining ongoing management of hybrid user accounts with granular delegation, license optimization, & self-services
  • Preventing malicious attempts by enabling secure deprovisioning of terminated hybrid user accounts
  • How automated user provisioning sustains IGA (identity governance & administration), as well as legal & regulatory compliance requirements
  • Guaranteeing the availability of user accounts in the face of increasing insider & cyber attacks

Featured Speaker

Robert Bobel

Founder & CEO, Hybrid AD SME