Controlling Office 365 License Assignments and Costs with Optimizations and Advanced Management

Microsoft Office 365 Licensing is complex and raises costs by 30% to 50% over pre-Office 365 spending levels. Money spent on wrongly assigned and unused licenses is money that is not available for moving additional workloads to Azure or other IT projects.

In this webinar, Cayosoft will demonstrate:

  • Free License Reporting Solution that will allow you to quickly run licensing health checks and audits of your license assignments and usage for hybrid or cloud users.
  • Free Low License Alerting Capability that will warn you before you run out of licenses.
  • Office 365 Free Service Adoption Solution that monitors user’s license usage and offers additional assistance to drive Microsoft Office 365 adoption and maximize your organization’s collaboration and Return on Licensing Investment (ROLI).
  • License Optimization Advisor is one of our commercial solutions that goes beyond simple usage analytics to not only show the optimal license assignment for each user, but also steps needed to assign that license.
  • License Lifecycle Management capabilities that include advanced license delegation, automated license assignment, and license quota assignments for Hybrid or Cloud Office 365 deployments.

Featured Speaker

Robert Bobel

Founder & CEO, Hybrid AD SME